- In the Population of 1.3 billion in China , there are 1300 people like you!!! In India with population of 1 billion there will 1100 people like you!!!
- China will soon be No.1 English speaking country in the world.
- In next 8 minutes....60 babies will be born in US, 244 babies in China,351 babies in India.
- According to Department of Labor US, a person with average age 38 will have shifted about 10 - 14 jobs.
- The top 10 in demand jobs in 2010 didnt existed in 2004.
- The amount of new technical information doubles every 2 years.
- The shelf life of education is becoming shorter.
- In 2006, engineers produced by China- 6,00,000 , India- 350,000, US- 70,000.
- 30000 new books are published daily.
- 540000 words are added in English since Shakespear.
- 2.7 billion searches are performed on google each month.
- Perdication are that by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computering capabilities of the Human brain.
- In short...what we are witnessing is CHANGE .... A shift is bound to happen....
He goes into the history talking about 3 great movement of capital in the world. the first shift was in 19th - 20th century where money from Europe poureed into the New world. the Second shift was in 1950- 1960s were money poured from US into Europe and East Asia. Now we are currently in the Third Shift . it is the great expansion of global economy all far the largest it seems. It is " RISE OF THE REST."
From 2006-2007 about 124 countries grew at 4 % or more out of which 30 countries are from Africa. Income per person is on rise. the standard of living has been rising. Poverty is slowly reducing. China has lifted 400 millions out of poverty. The economies have opened up to the world outside. the global trade has increasedhas increased by 133%. Goldman Sachs predicts that by 2040 Brazil , Russia, China, India, Mexico will have largest and dominating economies in the world. gone are the days when economies were differentiated as capital or labor. What distinguish economies today are "ideas".
Dr. VAN concludes that Why globalization will stay. Majority of market soruces of goods and services lie outside of one's country and your are forced to get them if you want to prosper. Competition is fiercely rising around the world and what can make you competent is by sharing and obtaining knowledge and resources from outside .
it was indeed an interesting presentation . Of course, some had nice power nap during the session ( our general secretary, King Khan, Gorgi... lol!!!).
But by the end of the presentation i was wondering till what extend globalization will go? will there be end to globalization? How will the world look at the end of globalization?
Are there any answers??
to answer ur question about globalization we need to see it as a platform that has been provided to countries like India to showcase the developed nation that even they can compete with them in fields like software, manufacturing sector which without the help of globalization wouldn't be possible.
ReplyDeleteregarding the end of globalization i dont see an end minimum till next 8 to 10 year as you can see even in the time of recession this globalization is wat helping the countries because in todays scenario each countries are connected to one other in terms of economic growth.
the other reason why i dont see an end of recession because that would in directly mean that the countries would become self sufficient that in any chance is not possible taking in consideration the growing demand of the common man.
shanku u r rite... but u see there will be saturation one day.. wen the countries will say enuf of globalizaton...wat will happen is the identity of the country will be under treat... and hence the countries will start protectin the same... till wat extent we shud go for globalization???
ReplyDeleteI dont think so globalization will end, countries will try to capture foreign markets by M&A so that they can sell their products and create a need. Companies will follow the globalization mantra in order to survive in the market.If you see the recent news that Google which doesn't advertise itself has taken the unusual step of using real-world advertising to promote its Chrome web browser in Europe so that it easier for consumers to switch Web browsers. Basically google wants to increase their market share in European market. So i feel that most companies will go in search for markets in foreign nations and adopt strategies which will boost up their sales.
ReplyDeletelet us suppose there comes a time when the globalization comes to an end...that indirectly means the growth comes to an end..because in todays global business scenario the companies are more interested in there global customer rather then there domestic customer, this would result in a huge set back to the big companies which work at a global level..
ReplyDeletethat true we should always have a back plan i.e companies should always give importance to there domestic market because when the foreign market stop buying these domestic market are wat safes the company.. So this might call for product specification n will in the process of doing so the company might face losses initially but if we see the future picture it would be friutfull for them..