Thursday, November 4, 2010

Need to crack you down!!!

There's something about you;
And I keep looking at the way you;
keep pinging me, teasing me,
And I keep wondering at the way you;
keep easing me, dissing me,
Feels like there's a sign;
Even when u tie your shoe;
And though to me it makes no sense;
I can't recognize ; I need to revise;
But my temperature rise ,You fill me with craze;
I have to crack you down ;You are like a maze

You dusky ;So flirty; I know you are kinda fishy; 
You keep throwing me like Frisbee;
As your mood swings from jaunty to crabby;
Your vibe, Your style, Your hairdo; it so classy;
When you sing Te Amo, There's no escape;
But to be Numb Encore, do it to me like Jay Z;
And though to me it makes no sense;
I can't recognize ; I need to revise;
But my temperature rise ,You fill me with craze;
I need to crack you down ;You are like a maze.

Your smile electrifies my nerves, get shimmered;
Your touch magnetizes me to you forward;
You Google me like a word; Oh! I am so captured;
A soft toy in your bed; Waiting to be loved;
Paint me black , I want to be colored ;
Shop me all night, want to make you addicted;
And though to me it makes no sense;
I cant recognize ; I need to revise;
But my temperature rise ;You fill me with craze;
I must , must crack you down ;You are like a maze.

Remin Jude Francis Saldanha


  1. You are quite a lyricist I must say...:)..I hope to hear the hip hop tunes on this one pretty soon!!!
    Cheers to expression!!! :D

  2. hey sounds lik a songs words n lyrics... as rightly said by jennifer...

    good work reminoz..... i alwyz appreciate ur deep thoughts n i jus luv d way u put d emotions n sentiments .....

    way to go baby.. !!
    keep rocking..!!


Thanks for giving ur means a lot to me!!!